Practice Dr. Dr. Phielepeit & Dr. Dr. Lindhorst

In our practice, one of the first mouth-jaw-facial surgery practices in Hamburg, patients have become acquainted with most modern points of view for over 50 years.

Thanks to our specialized medical and dental qualifications we can make available for you a broad spectrum of diagnostic procedures and therapies.

Thanks to the multiplicity of specialized medical practices Medical Center Hammonia Bad we can introduce to you, in a simple and quick way, the doctors of other specializations in Hammonia-Bad. Complex operation and stationary treatments are performed by us in Marienkrankenhaus

Dr. Dr. Phielepeit
Dr. Dr. Lindhorst

Hammonia Bad Hamburg

Lerchenfeld 14
D-22081 Hamburg

Phone: 040 / 22 15 77

Consultation hours

Mo:     8.00-19.00 hrs
Tu-Th: 8.00-18.00 hrs
Fr:       8.00-17.00 hrs

How to arrive at our location with public transport

Hammonia Bad can be easily reached by the means of public transport.
Click on the icon to see your timetable